Something big just dropped at Sorbet, literally.
Our first-ever brand video!
If you’ve seen it, you’re probably familiar with Sorbet’s mission to revolutionize paid time off (PTO) as you know it. Our one-of-kind employee benefit balances work and life, while re-balancing the balance sheet.
If you haven’t seen it, you’re in luck! Check out our cool (pun intended) company video here:
Pretty sweet, right?
But you know what’s even sweeter? An inside scoop into how it was made! We rounded up some of the key people who made it happen and asked them a few behind-the-scenes questions for you.
Let’s dive right in!
Veetahl Eilat-Raichel
Co founder and CEO

Photo: Left to Right: Tom, Veetahl, Alon.
What was your inspiration behind the idea of this video?
I came up with the tagline, “Don’t let your paid time off melt away” pretty much from the start. Not only does it perfectly tie in the product with our name, ‘Sorbet’, but it also explains the idea behind it; most employees that don’t use their time off end up losing it or having it locked away in accrued PTO jail until leaving the company.
With that in mind, our Head of Design, Tom, and I kept playing around with the idea of dumping gorgeous melted pink ice cream on things and just ran with it! Once we started brainstorming ideas for the video with our Director, Alon, it just naturally went there.
Were there any unexpected challenges that you had to work through?
Oh, only the usual - A crazy client with crazy delusional demands (Me!) on one hand, and no time or budget to execute on the other. :)
Luckily, I had the best team beside me with Tom and Alon. I still can’t believe we shot this thing in only one day and with a budget that would have barely covered the catering costs of any other production I’ve ever been involved in.
What was your favorite part about being on set?
The sets were just so incredibly gorgeous! I mean, I was very much involved in the process and we approved every storyboard and every little element, yet coming into that huge hanger on filming day and seeing the colors and the incredible detail was simply breathtaking. Every single little paper clip and a picture frame just sitting on a prop desk were simply exquisite. The art person did an unbelievable job.
Also, just the energy of being on set is always fun, but this one was particularly emotional for me. It’s not every day that someone literally brings your vision to life!
Finally, any excuse to hang out with Tom and Alon in Prague…
Tom Ben-David
Head of Design, Sorbet

Photo: Left to Right: Tom, Veetahl.
How did you bring the idea to life design-wise?
Once Veetahl, Alon, and I decided on the storyline for the video, the design goal was to stay loyal to the Sorbet brand; cool and sweet. I worked closely with an artist from Prague to find the right colors and the right props to visually bring the story to life. The artist did an amazing job and I think that's one of the things that made this clip so magical.
Did the video turn out how you expected it to / hoped it would?
I’ve done multiple video productions in the past, but none have ever been quite like this one. I have never participated in a production like this before and I am so glad I got to be a part of it. It has exceeded all of my expectations every step of the way!
What was your favorite part about being on set?
My favorite part was being a part of a production where so many talented and professional people took part.
I also enjoyed being the one who could see everyone in action. ;)
It was super cool to be able to see the whole picture from behind the scenes and make sure that everything was going according to plan.
Alon Weigenfeld
Director, Dofo Productions

Photo: Alon on the right.
What was ‘the melted sorbet’ made out of and what were the logistics behind capturing it?
To tell you the truth, I'm not actually sure! I think it was made out of mashed potatoes and some sort of food dye. The amazingly talented production designer along with the SFX (special effects) team was in charge of it. They sent us some pre-recorded tests they did a few weeks ahead of the shoot for confirmation, and thankfully, it worked!
Logistically, it was definitely challenging to have a "never-ending" stock of fake melted sorbet, and of course, some SFX construction to make the drips seem realistic - especially when filming the "CFO" scene!
What was the most challenging part of the production?
There were 2 main challenges in this production:
1. Filming the whole thing in one shooting day (a very loooong day, around 17 hours total).
2. The crane shot transition between the "open space" scene (the green set) to the CFO office scene (the purple set) needed some planning ahead in order to stitch the actual footage in post-production.
Fun fact! The art department actually built the "open space" ceiling in a way that it could be adjustable height-wise, so we could control the height of the ceiling to get the perfect frame and movement during the shoot. Could you tell?
What was your favorite part about being on set?
I loved that there was an actual dialog on set with Veethal and Tom. They took a full part in the script and art direction, which was unique, fun and unlike any other regular relationship between a client and director I’ve experienced. They were actually fully part of the production in every aspect and weren’t just like executive "visitors" on set.
Apart from that, filming in the Czech Republic, of course! Coming back from a very long day of shooting to sleep in a quiet hotel room in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and not have to wake up to take the kids to school the next day… It was awesome.
That’s a Wrap!
The inside scoop behind Sorbet’s first-ever brand video.
We hope you enjoyed hearing about our creative process as much as we enjoyed putting it together. We can’t wait to share what else we have in store! ;)
But for now, sit back, relax and enjoy some never before seen behind-the-scenes footage of the shoot!